Anyone interested in learning photography should remember that it’s entirely possible for virtually anyone to develop (no pun intended) stronger photography skills. However, many people just starting out find that taking impressive pictures isn’t as easy as they might have initially assumed.
Don’t get discouraged if you’re one of those people. Even those who go on to become professional photographers typically struggle when they’re beginners. There are many reasons this is the case. One of the key ones is the simple fact that amateurs often make certain basic photography mistakes that prevent them from capturing the shots they intended.
The following are a few examples worth keeping in mind. If you’re not happy with your pictures, it may be because you’re making one of these common errors:
Basic Photography Mistakes (That Are Simple to Fix)
Staying Far Away
Plenty of beginning photographers want to capture beautiful landscape and nature shots. On the one hand, when you’re a strong photographer, it’s entirely possible to take beautiful photos of landscapes. That said, most beginners haven’t reached this stage yet. Their landscape shots are unimpressive because the frame is cluttered with too many elements. This results in a lack of overall focus.
It’s better to choose specific subjects and get up close to them when you’re an amateur photographer. Staying far away is a beginner photography mistake that’s extremely easy to correct.
Not Knowing Basic Technical Details
Research may not be thrilling to everyone. However, if you want to start taking better photos now, it does help to familiarize yourself with some basic concepts as ISO, shutter speed, and focus. Too many beginning photographers don’t realize they can dramatically improve their shots with just some basic knowledge of key technical details. Additionally, thanks to photography apps, it’s now possible to adjust these factors even when using a smartphone camera.
Shooting at Eye Level
There are many instances when shooting at eye level is the right choice for a given shot. Just keep in mind that there are also plenty of instances when a subject that looks boring in one picture can suddenly look stunning in another thanks to a different angle.
Experiment with angles when composing shots. Yes, some of the angles you choose won’t actually yield ideal results, but the more you experiment, the more you’ll begin to learn how to choose angles that make a strong impression.
Shooting in the Middle of the Day
Natural lighting often allows for gorgeous shots. That said, simply taking a picture outdoors doesn’t guarantee impressive results. If you shoot in the middle of the day, when the sun is high in the sky, the image will look both harsh and flat.
It’s better to shoot during sunrise or sunset. This is what photographers refer to as the “magic hour,” when the sun provides sufficient light to ensure a subject shows up in a picture, casts dramatic shadows to make images pop, and isn’t so bright the picture looks harsh.
Again, avoiding certain beginner photography mistakes is an easy way to start taking better pictures today. These are a few specific examples worth remembering.