Senior Year: A time for prom night, yearbooks and bidding adiós to school life. It eventually sums up to be the precise time to get the perfect picture to fill up the yearbooks. Well, guys listen up, this might help.
It’s that time of the year when you celebrate all that you have achieved. It’s a milestone year and you definitely need to make it grand, after all, you do not get the opportunity to be in senior year every other year.
It is a fantastic time for you to get that picture perfect pose and get the shots right for filling pages of your famed yearbook. Check out the following ideas and yes, feel free to bring out your individuality and personality through your pictures.
Getting it right in the studio
The Setting Matters
Whether you like the great outdoors or prefer the cozy atmosphere of a studio, it is your attitude that ultimately matters.
Most photographers would advise you to be yourself – your photograph has to reflect your true personality, and the best way to do it is to do the things you like.
While outdoors, you can opt for interesting locales like your favorite hangout or some place that gives you the ultimate high.
Your Vibes
For a great picture, it is not compulsory that you have elaborate clothing on. Quite the contrary, wearing clothes that you are extremely comfortable in, is always welcome.
You can go formal if that’s what suits you best or go casual, as you would when hanging around with your buddies.
One thing is for sure, you need to let the camera catch your natural expression, it will account for a fantastic picture for the yearbook.
Tell a Story
What is that one thing you are so passionate about? It could be your pet, your car, your favorite sport, or even your musical instrument. Enhance your picture by engaging in your favorite pass time. Basically, you need to visualize how you want your picture to look like and execute the same during your shoot.
For example, you are passionate about basketball, then wouldn’t it be befitting if you took a picture of yourself dribbling the ball? As mentioned earlier, the picture is about you, so let’s just put it as think out of the box, and let your creativity flow.
The Ones That Matter
The picture and the shoots are about you, which means that you can tag along your friends, family, or just about anyone, you feel complete with.
Getting the person you care about along, is sure to make the picture appear as natural as in real life.
All for One
Take a group picture, one that has you along with your mates, it sure is a good idea for a great picture.
You can rope in your band mates, teammates, or your closest buddies.
Get creative, shoot a closeup of all of you, or even try some wacky poses together. The more the merrier, what say?
Let your senior pictures remind you to, “Cherish your memories, but look forward… Treasure your friendships but reach outward… Learn from the past but move onward… Live each day with hope and climb upward…” ~ Anonymous